Can I run a web server (for websites) on the same server that Zimbra is installed on?

Yes, you can if you are not using the Zimbra Appliance Edition. The web server and Zimbra server ports (namely Port 80 and 443) must be configured to not conflict. This can be done by assigning multiple addresses to the server, allocating one IP to Zimbra and the other to the web server. Or by allocating Zimbra to respond to HTTPS (Port 443) only and the web server to just HTTP (Port 80).

Can I run a web server (for websites) on the same server that Zimbra is installed on?2012-01-29T19:04:15+10:00

When composing an email are contacts supposed to autocomplete? Currently I am only seeing contacts that are people who are part of groups I have added

If you want to enable this option for ALL users in your domain, then this is done in the Zimbra Administration GUI by updating the relevant Class of Service configuration. If you want to enable this option for an individual account by changing their mailbox preferences.

When composing an email are contacts supposed to autocomplete? Currently I am only seeing contacts that are people who are part of groups I have added2012-01-03T07:04:35+10:00

What are the recommended steps for installing a new CentOS server for Zimbra?

To install a new CentOS 5.6 server x64 / i686, Agilemail recommend the following steps.1. Download and burn to CD or mount the required ISOs. You will only need CD1 and CD3. the ISO images are available on during the installation process:2. You can SKIP the testing of the CD media step. This is not required.3. Make the logical selections for language, keyboard layout and timezone.4. Network should be set to a static IP address.5. Partition as required.6. Unselect ALL default software packages. 7. Choose to Customize Now the software packages. 8. Software packages, select: Base System, Base only. Unselect all others. 9. You should see a confirmation of the required media, CD1 and CD3. If not then go back a step. 10. Continue with the installation.Once the CentOS software has been installed:11. Login as root, run software updates, yum -y updateYou now have an up to date, minimal CentOS server ready for Zimbra installation.

What are the recommended steps for installing a new CentOS server for Zimbra?2011-12-24T10:30:03+10:00

Do I have to install Zimbra on a stand-alone / dedicated server? Or can I use the server for other functions?

Yes you can use the server for other functions. Zimbra installs all the necessary software required to function and so there will be Port conflicts between such common applications as LDAP, web and email services if they are already on the server. The solution in this case is to have the services run on either unique ports or bind to different IP addresses.

Do I have to install Zimbra on a stand-alone / dedicated server? Or can I use the server for other functions?2011-12-23T20:57:49+10:00

How does Zimbra compare to Microsoft Exchange for features and cost?

Here are some resources to help you: Zimbra 7 versus Exchange 2010 (PDF) Embrace and Extend: Making Open Technologies Displace Incumbents in the Enterprise by Kevin Henrikson (good overview of Zimbra) Zimbra vs Microsoft Exchange a feature and cost comparison Zimbra versus Microsoft Exchange 2008 Zimbra versus Microsoft Exchange 2007 ZDNet Australia, Top Alternatives to Microsoft Outlook CNET Apparently Microsoft prefers Zimbra, too CNET Microsoft's curious infatuation with Zimbra, redux We have also collated various Zimbra presentations and these are available on There is also a great collection of case studies and webinars available at Agileware can also provide customer references, trials and consulting to help you with your business case.

How does Zimbra compare to Microsoft Exchange for features and cost?2011-12-19T13:24:54+10:00
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